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Séance V 30_04_2019

1. Se mettre sur le dos couché. Jambes en toblérone. Trouver l'axe et mettre sa nuque longue. les pieds sont assez proche des jambes et dans l'écartement des hanches. 2. Ressentir les points d'appuis bassin, omoplates etc. 3. Respirer et appuyer les côtes...

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Shamanism and spiritual path

Shamanism and spiritual path

Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual practices still being used today. What are the fundamental aspects of Shamanism and why is it relevant today? Mongolian & Siberian Shamanism Shamanism is the term that Westerners use for the ancient spiritual beliefs...

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A Sharman's Prayer: Free market chaos has left the Russian Republic of Tuva in turmoil. A return to traditional beliefs is slowly healing this troubled land - and they're convinced the rest of the world is about to catch on. In preperation for my visit...

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Tai Chi and Chi Qong

Tai Chi and Chi Qong

Beautiful Tai Chi, Qi Gong Music for everyday practice enjoy :) Damon The Physiology of Tai Chi and QiGong. If you are inspired and wish to learn more please visit our website: http://IIQTC.org ALSO -- Join our FREE membership site today - incredible...

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Marion Kaplan

Marion Kaplan

Notre alimentation est primordiale pour préserver notre flore intestinale. Des aliments à éviter au jeûne en passant par les intolérances alimentaires, Marion Kaplan vous encourage au changement pour une meilleure santé ! Le livre de Marion Kaplan: https://goo.gl/V0ZdMt...

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